Thursday, September 8, 2011

let the only sounds be the overflow pockets full of stones

So, numbers here they are

Days til my close of service physical exam: 38 days
Days til I leave Lviv: 66
Days til I leave Ukraine: 69
Days til I am in the United States: 74

appts. scheduled with peace corps office in the last 2 days: 12
appts. still to schedule with the peace corps office: 3
appts still to have with peace corps apart from those scheduled: at least 3

So, the words here they are. . .

I'm leaving, leaving sooner rather than later. And I'm in the midst of doing everything to get ready to do that leaving. What does leaving peace corps feel like. . . a little like coming to peace corps, a little more stressful (the feeling of real life is pounding on that door), a little less American ( I feel that way, I am that way), the want to rediscover what America is and what it means. . . people always say peace corps taught them to live with less, I find it makes people want more. Like, Peace corps has taught you that you can live without a car, but chances are after 3 hour marshrutka rides you really want that car these days. I could be wrong.

How am I feeling: Good, accomplished, so far on top of the tasks that need to be accomplished. My DOS is two paragraphs from being finished, my site evaluation form is already finished and the majority of my paperwork is yes finished. Or at least, finished as much as it can be until October.

How are my students feeling: You're leaving in November and never coming back? NOT EVEN FOR LAST BELL????? How about you extend your contract? My go to response is the following, "my mom would be really mad if I didn't come home." A world where you do not want to come back to Ukraine doesn't exist for my kids.

How is it getting a schedule with students you like working with AWESOME: I'm currently teaching younger kids english (bonus they're way more fun to work with so 1-5 grade english) AND 5-11 grade French. Now if the hours get moved around next week so I have Fridays off and no class Thursday so I can work with the militia I'll be ecstatic! Updates on that later. If I've learned one thing in Peace Corps it's that during these two months I have the right to say nope sorry can't do it; I just can't do it.

My fifth form is loving French so much. I want all of them to be little polyglots. I suppose they already are, they know ukrainian and russian and a decent amount of English. Now french and they speak the universal language of hugs and stickers too.

This is a throw away blog about numbers and such. One I've been waiting to do for a long time. The next one I promise will be more pensive maybe even more entertaining.

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