Tuesday, August 9, 2011

left the vagabonds a trail of stones forward to find my way home

Late summer realizations:

I prefer hanging out on my wood floor over my bed or chair. I'm not sure if this is because the chair and bed are that uncomfortable or that I've gotten so used to stiff, ill made chairs and beds that the floor actually feels like the luxe edition of the furniture. Sometimes, I feel like the caveman character people find who can't go to bed in the modern furniture and much prefers to sleep outside on the ground. . . that being said, if my wood floor is luxe, the fivestar suite is my tile bathroom floor.

Listening to more modern electro music a la passion pit and friendly fires immediately makes me feel like I should be shopping in a gap. Listening to anything with an accordion, brass band and clarinet makes me feel like I should be riding a bus or getting off a train. . . music dislexia or rather misappropriation.

I understand way too much of ukrainian, russian and other slavic languages to not notice when it slips into american pop culture like movies, tv shows, etc which is a surprisingly high amount. It only slightly ruins it and slightly makes it better. Polish still just sounds like Ukrainian with extra sh sh sh sh sounds.

I feel a kinship to people who lived in gulags which is borderline inappropriate given the fact that I've never suffered any kind of political oppression or soviet regime. But, you know, some similarities.

I'm surprised when my beer, water, coke and or anything that would normally be cold is cold. And, I'm not talking when it's really cold I'm talking when it's slightly refrigerated above room temperature I get surprised and feel the need to comment to other people. I'm so excited for ice and tap water I can hardly stand it.

I can tune into someone having an English conversation from about 20-30 feet away. This skill is going to make me an ultra creeper when I get back to America. I can pick out non-Ukrainians almost as well as a native ukrainian. Integration - check!

I miss home, I want to go to there. Today a girl who has applied for the same day as I have posted that it's 100 days until the hopeful COS date. That means America in less than 110. Egatz!


Friday, August 5, 2011

but falling into my bed at night I think man it was a beautiful day to stay the same

Adventures in Odessa and Novodnistrovsk:

Once Upon a Time I took a trip with my two friends and fellow PCVs Joe and Meaghan.

Scene 1: Meeting in Kyiv. Joe took the GRE and Meaghan lives close by to Kyiv. We met at a pizza restaurant where Meaghan and I bragged about how much squash bread we had made. She made it with Kabachok (a light green zucchini like thing) me with pumpkin.

Scene 2: the train we all talked and made our beds rejoicing in our newish train car that had a window that opened. The ukrainian in the one bunk we didn't use closed it during the night. Joe being awesome opened it and stuffed his pillow in the way so the Ukrainian couldn't close it all the way. THe Ukrainian promptly wrapped his head in a turban like sweatshirt to not get the draft at night. Score one for train car comfortability.

Scene 3: Arrival in Odessawe tiredly walk to the hostel where I immediately scope out the shower and we hang around til we decide it's time for an adventure

Scene 4: Thai restaurant. Joe's never had thai, the closest he's had is american chinese food. He looks freaked. He's a good sport and rocks some chicken noodles. Meaghan and I delight and people watch and teach Joe about the importance of a bra that fits and is supportive. Joe feels like we've ruined boobs for him. I feel like he can take it, so does Meaghan, we show him no pity

Scene 5: Hostel owner tries to get us to come to a Ukrainian dinner that his gf's mother cooks it's 100 grv way over priced. Then he tells us people backed out so they need more. We slyly sneak out and have georgian food instead (WITH CILANTRO AND SPICE) also georgian lemonade is delicious bring it to lviv!

Scene 6: We walk around town all day. We find the special chair from Soviet movie that I don't really remember what it's about something about riches being stored in chairs. This explains more abotu how ukrainians save things than I would care to explain. We see men with mail order girlfriends a common thing in Odessa, it annoys us. We admire how beautiful and clean the city is and love the diversity. We go to the large bazaar which is SO clean. Meaghan gets an amazing shirt that says, "say me yes." We both buy captains hats for our friends at home.

Scene 7: we walk to the seaside port and see the wonders of the famous steps of odessa, apparently also in a soviet film. we get some gelato and enjoy along our walk.

Scene 8: Meaghan and I decide to go to the bar with some other english speakers. Bar has american atmosphere. Meaghan and I "hold court" aka getting surrounded by men who want to stand by us and talk nonsense considering my ukrainian might be better than theirs and they some can't speak english. Thus begins a 2 hour attempt to get us to play alligator (russian charades?) and them buying us lots of drinks. "I'm Irish, can't you tell I have a red beard and a hat." I didn't know that was the requirement but there it is

Scene 9: We wake up and bring meaghan to the train station after a thrilling round of jeopardy games that amused everyone in the common room including the hostel owner. Being the coolest people in the hostel is tough. Train station highlights include playing charades with Meaghan through the window and seeing a man with a fanny pack shaped pocket on the back of his jeans. Why did I not get a picture. . maybe joe did? Then we saw a typical eastern european brass band with clarinet etc. in navy gear greeting the train from Moscow

Scene 10: Joe and I leave Odessa

End Act I - Odessa

THe rest of the trip was hanging and laughing with Joe.

If you ever come to Ukraine as I'm sure all of you will. I highly suggest Odessa as a destination! Delightful

Coming home updates:
COS date requested
COS packet received
COS Conference in T-minus 18 days