Saturday, December 19, 2009

A new home for all

Hello everyone! Well, it's official i'm sworn in as a peace corps volunteer and I'm at my new site!! so, the drum roll for all including me last week is where is my new site. WELL, I live in LVIV! Not many of you know about Lviv, understandable, i don't know anything really. Other than the fact that, when I was doing research about Ukraine i found all these articles about the interesting and artful city in the west.

for the record here's my new address:
Kari Stromberg
м. Львів
бул. Липиського 16
індекс 79058

So, what can i tell you in only a few short minutes? i live in an apartment attached to the cantine/cafeteria of the school where all my basic needs are met. The staff here is wonderful and friendly and glad to have me and I'm glad to have them as well. My room is cold, but beyond anything I could have hoped for. I'm grateful to have running hot water and a flush toilet and use of the cafeteria kitchen when i need to cook. They provide me with everything including letting me use the school internet whenever i need. I am the luckiest PCV this side of the Dniper. So, in short, I'm happy I'm excited and I'm spending my birthday today with the PCV in my town who has been here for three years as I venture out and try to navigate the bus system to get to the center of town using limited ukrainian.
love and hugs to all

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