A christmas holiday in three parts:
I: Christmas day. I spent the day observing classes in school and then was able to watch a christmas program put on by the younger kids. After the program I got everything ready and took an hour mashrutka ride to Susnivka a village an hour north where I enjoyed a fantastic dinner party with a fellow volunteer in community development annnd her ukrainian co-workers. We laughed, ate, drank limoncello and vodka and had a fabulous time.
II: the day after christmas. I return to Lviv opting to walk home from teh bus station (good choice) the snow was melting and it was puddly and beautiful and there was much teh fresh air. I hung out and skyped with the family in the afternoon and then puttered around the house. Until later in the evening where I dropped my beautiful terabyte harddrive which is now out of commission. I'm taking donations for a new one. My parents called again at 4 in teh morning and I got to hear a little from Amanda my college room mate and the other kiddos in the house. Very very nice.
III: Two days after christmas. I hung out doing chores in teh day like shopping getting ready for a party and other stuff. I did some more laundry etc. etc. etc. ANd then went to Linda's house where I met lots of cool and interesting people and had a fabulous time with fabulous food. I did walk to Linda's which again good choice for teh walk but bad choice forgetting my directions. I got a little lost but nothing too horrible. It ended up taking me an hour and a half to get there instead of about the hour or 1:15 it should have but I'm ok with that. I had a fantastic time. I enjoyed a cab ride back (15 hrivs) aka a third of my daily allowance but worth it for the luxury of a car ride at 10pm. I talked to the homies at the house again on skype and enjoyed a wonderful evening.
With the crashing of my hard drive I've begun to get really creative with my time as i can't sit down and watch a 30 min tv show or movie everyday. I'm budgeting myself with books, draw, clean, read and have started doing pilates and tae bo as they're the only videos I had teh sense to drag over to my computer and aren't on my hard drive. I'm looking into the exciting world of theraband exercises that the peace corps gave us. I haven't brought much else in teh way of hobbies other than crosswords which I'm planning on doing tonite. But we'll see how exciting things can get. I'm on a 45 griv (aka about 6 dollar budget) for each day. So I can't really go and buy things to help me with my hobbies. I have a crochet hook but no yarn. I brainstorm a lot. Any ideas are gladly appreciated. Especially as on Thursday vacation starts and I won't even have classes to fill my days for at least half of it.
Love you all!
this is my winter song
13 years ago
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