Sunday, March 27, 2011

well you never walk alone and you're forever talking on the phone

Adventures in Tram Riding:

- Admiring the view of spring time suicidal ginger cat looking like it's going to pounce out of the 4th floor circular attic window. In all fairness the others were filled with trash so perhaps it was doing some spring cleaning or mouse hunting among the wreckage, but it looked pretty suicidal to me.

- When riding trams in Lviv; try to avoid the seats that face eachother. creepy men will inevitably sit across from you and mumble at you the entrie ride despite the fact that you have yet to answer anything they have said to you and have strategically placed earphones in your ears. It doesn't matter that my ipod battery ran out 4 stops ago, respect my earphones they are there to deter you from talking to me.

- The number six tram is always crowded from where I live to the south end of town no matter what stop i get on on. I will accept defeat

- Loud obnoxious teenage tourists will always cut in front of you in the "fairy tale line" you're trying to create to buy your ticket. They are cooler than you and no matter your scowl they will not feel guilty. Win one for tourists teenagers lose one for me.

- While waiting at the stop for the tram laughing to yourself perhaps audibly because you saw something that strikes your fancy makes you seem crazy. People, even if your dressed nicely, will assume you are homeless and crazy and won't want to sit next to you on the tram. Lose one for the publics perception of you; win one for extra seat on the tram next to you that no one will take!

- when you are sitting on the tram often the tram vibrates, it's not your phone ringing no matter how many times you check it.

- babas will win in the fight to get up the stairs. they have bags not because they have to cart things but because they are awesome weapons for getting in front of you and the baba will win, she probably has fought for a place in line for apartments, trains, bread etc. for longer than you have been alive surrender to her supremacy

- The feeling of being on a disney world ride d.j.-ed by your own personal ipod soundtrack will never go away. Relish in it, it's WAY better than the crowded bus ipod on only to remain sane while six people are inappropriately rubbing against you soundtrack.

- you're probably going to have to wait anywhere from 10minutes to 40 minutes for the tram to come. It's a really nice time for self reflection and enjoying the comedy that is wild dogs guarding random buildings and barking at strangers.

- Always remember to punch your ticket in the puncher watching other people get cornered by the control check babas is fun from afar but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that probably wouldn't be fun for you. that being said nothing like the mellodrama of a 17 yr old student crying so that she doesn't have to pay the fine as they escort her off the tram. It's like watching days of our lives but in a language I dont' really understand. I fill it in with what I think is appropriate like, "but I love horatio why must I get off this tram so I can't meet him." "He is the father of your cousins baby you cannot be with him." "I will take my milk and smetana and other groceries from the grandmothers that would've been our wedding feast and find a new tram to him." "no we will corner you even outside until you give us your documents we will save you yet." Commercial interlude, by commercial I mean the tram keeps going and my ability to insert dialogue is gone.

Thanks Lviv Tram system you make any day better because I know you present the option for me to not only save 1 grv per ride but avoid smelly standing in the marshrutkas. Here's to you !

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