Well, the business and general speed of things has continued throughout these past weeks.
Firstly, I had a horrible encounter with a mosquito last week leading my eye swelling up like a golf ball. Head to facebook if you're interested while my dignity doesn't cover facebook it covers the complete stranger land that could although probably isn't my blog.
Headed down to the carpathians this weekend to hit up a Half Marathon. Had a great time riding trains. I realise when I look back at these posts that I never really explain socialising in Peace Corps life, perhaps it's my own fear of looking bad or unprofessional or something. Either way, I had a great time meeting new people. And even more, as always I was happy to see Andy again. I can't help the feeling of comfort that comes over me being with my cluster pals. I think it's mostly that I just feel protected maybe we protected each other too much in training. All the same, it is how it is.
Well, the highlights of the marathon were in no particular order: being with fun people, having a great time and enjoying the weather. Oh and Shashlik.
My plans continue to mount up and I find myself not remembering what I'm supposed to be doing. My place is a wreck despite my huge clean out over easter and I have dishes and laundry that are waiting to be done. It seems every weekend from here to the end of school something has come up and I won't have those free days to do anything. perhaps it's my own fault for over committing myself when I had gotten behind already.
I've been having missing home days lately too. I think with the coming of spring and summer I feel mostly disconnected from the garden oddly enough. I miss doing things on the garden with my parents. After France, there was a new zeal in me to help them and I always tried to help with mulching and a couple beds or so every year. I miss not having something to dote on and take care of in the form of the green and oxygen producing. We rode through the Carpathians on our train ride back, I told Linnea a few times. I know that life would've been hard and my life is tremendously more "liveable" in a certain sense living in Lviv. BUT part of me yearns to live in a village and do some farming. Or at least some gardening. Joe has told me about his chances to get a plot, I find myself decidedly jealous.
Other than that, I've returned to teaching of course this week. Filling out lots of paperwork as the end of the school year comes. Journals that I'm never caught up on and other things as well. Had a great class with my 3rd graders today. As always, they make me want to be a better teacher and do great activities with them.
OK, that's about all here. I'm putting out the call for new music. If you can send me things using Yousend or just recommend new albums it'd be greatly appreciated I'm needing a change to spring me forward no pun intended!
this is my winter song
13 years ago
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